
Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice


At Scargill Primary School Pupil Voice is valued, we recognise that every child has the right to a voice and for their opinion to be taken seriously. We believe even our very youngest children have a valid opinion about their school. Pupil voice provides pupils with the opportunity to become involved in how and what they learn, give them a real say in issues that affect them, allowing them to make positive contributions towards the development of their school as active members in a democratic society.


We believe involving children in school can help:


  • Motivate children
  • Make children feel part of school and develop belonging
  • Improve relationships between children and adults
  • Develop practice
  • Develop children’s views and opinions
  • Develop life and learning skills including communication and social skills
  • Support collaboration

And much more!

As a school we feel it is important to gather all children's opinions, including those on the school council, global committee, wellbeing committee and sports reps. Over time, the school has developed a very effective approach to pupil voice and to ensuring that pupils have the skills to take responsibility and to contribute to decisions. We use a range of approaches so that all voices can be heard, including those with Special Educational Needs/Disabilities, this includes;


  • Developing strong relationships so that adults are in tune with children's needs
  • Class discussions
  • PSHE sessions
  • Pupil questionnaires
  • Small focused groups
  • Homework activities
  • Thrive time
  • Subject and year group pupil voice groups

Why do we listen to young children?

We listen to young children because:

● it acknowledges their right to be listened to and for their views and experiences to be taken seriously

● of the difference listening can make to our understanding of children’s priorities, interests and concerns

● of the difference it can make to our understanding of how children feel about themselves

● listening is a vital part of establishing respectful relationships with the children we work with and is central to the learning process.

In our school we feel by developing a listening culture we can nurture respect and confident relationships and create positive environments for children. Environments which support and enhance learning, based on the needs and interests of children. We believe by providing children with this listening culture we can best gather children's wishes, opinions and ideas. 

Committees Within School
Please click below to view the different committee groups we have in school, and find out more about what each group is focusing on.