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Early Help and Advice

From time to time parents may feel a little worried about their child's emotional wellbeing, or not be sure about how to help their child with their worries and anxieties at home. We at Scargill have an attachment aware approach to supporting our children and their families and use the Thrive approach to support a range of children. More information about Thrive can be found within the About Us section on our website.
There may also be times when parents/ carers are struggling with their own mental health, physical health or a family member. They may be feeling overwhelmed and not know where to turn for support. The good news is that there is a wide variety of services/ websites and companies out there that could help. Below are some links that are worth looking at to help. More information about how school can support children and families can be found in the Inclusion part of our website, along with the Pupil Premium section. 
Our Early Help Offer
Lots of people need help and advice at some point for themselves, their children or other members of the family. We are always happy to help where we can, or will try and help find the right agency to support you.

As part of our Early Help offer, the school uses the Thrive Approach. Thrive offers support for children suffering from anxiety and other issues affecting their well-being. Please go to the Thrive section on our website to find out more details.


Early Help services aim to both provide advice and/or intervene where there is evidence of emerging needs with the objective of preventing escalation to higher level services.

How will we know when Early Help is needed?

Staff have daily contact with children and their families throughout term time. All staff recognise their role in identifying needs of vulnerable children and their families need for Early Help.


Staff are clear that acting on hearsay is not appropriate. All staff will advise ‘concerned others’ to report their safeguarding concerns to Starting Point (the county’s single point access for safeguarding referrals). However, all reports of concern are logged on the school reporting system called ‘myconcern’ The Designated Safeguarding Leads monitor the entries logged on ‘myconcern’.


Where appropriate staff will assess the needs of a family and this may identify that an Early Help assessment is required.Our Early Help 


Where there are immediate Safeguarding concerns it will be taken to Starting Point following consultation with the Designated Safeguarding Leads in school.


Click below to view our Early Help offer. If you would like to speak to someone in school about your concerns then please contact Mrs Hallsworth or Miss Clutterbuck who are our Early Help leads. 
If you believe that any child is in danger ring Call Derbyshire tel: 01629 533190 choosing the option for urgent child protection or contact the police.
Advice for parents for encouraging open conversations at home
Services to Support Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing
Derbyshire & Derbyshire Emotional Well Being is a portal to a wide range of other services.
Young minds offer support and advice around children's mental health. Below is a link to their informative website.
Keeping Warm
Dangers of Frozen Water and Advice
Domestic Abuse
Services to Support Individuals with Eating Difficulties
First Steps ED work across the Midlands, providing care and support for children and their families, young people and adults affected by eating difficulties and disorder.
Services to Support Single/ Separated Parents
Gingerbread is a free service which can be used by single Mums and Dads offering practical support and advice. See the link below for further information.
Other Mental Health Services and Websites
Moving House
Moving house can be a worrying and quite daunting for children of all ages. Below are two links to the book trust website, one is for young children below 7, whilst the other is a link for children 7+.

Parents & Carers in Derbyshire

…with children and young people with additional needs and disabilities

Neurodiverse  Support and Advice