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Physical Education

"Positive experiences at school can shape a child’s future enjoyment and engagement in sport, which is why the provision of quality PE and school sport is so important."

PE & School Sport Survey Youth Sport Trust (2022)

Intent for Physical Education

The intent of our Physical Education (PE) curriculum is to provide a high-quality, inclusive, adaptive and sustainable program that promotes physical fitness, skill development, teamwork, and celebrates personal achievement. We aim to foster a lifelong love for physical activity and support the holistic development of our pupils, ensuring they have the knowledge, skills and confidence to lead healthy and active lives.  At Scargill we harness the sporting spirit of the London 2012 Olympics for all children by providing a curriculum that inspires and develops the whole child from EYFS- Yr6 meeting the National Curriculum and EYFS Statutory Framework. We care about the competitive opportunities we provide that allow our children to represent the school community whilst trying new activities that embed our school and British values. At Scargill, we strive to ensure that we develop the whole child and equip them with physical, cognitive, social and wellbeing success that enable them to understand physical literacy and be ready for Key Stage 3 transition. By giving children access to as many Physical Education opportunities, parents and teachers can unite to help them to reach their full potential – now and in the future.

Implementation for Physical Education

To achieve our intent, we have carefully designed and implemented a bespoke PE curriculum using the Complete PE scheme, that offers a variety of activities and experiences that supports the development of children’s fundamental movement skills from EYFS to Year 6.  All children are given the opportunity to stretch themselves and are encouraged to choose the level of their learning though PE learning cards, offering extra challenge or support. Children who may not be able to take part in physical education lessons due to injury, become sports analysists, journalists, photographers or team managers supporting the teacher and their classmates through a variety of challenges. In each KS2 unit, there is an opportunity for intra- competition games supporting children to learn about fairness, respect, develop their social skills and resilience when coping with winning and losing.

Where possible, the scheduled units complement our school topics and diary events throughout the year making learning purposeful. For example, Outdoor Adventurous activity module support the transition into new classes, whilst health and wellbeing modules give our children tools they can use during assessment week.  We are fortunate to have large indoor and outdoor spaces and ensure we timetable 2 hours of PE  a week, regardless of weather conditions. We are committed to providing a balanced and progressive curriculum, ensuring that pupils gradually build upon their skills and knowledge, revisiting content as they move through the school will ensure the learning is embedded and transferrable. 

In Year 5 and 6, children take part in Derbyshire County Council primary swimming program for 10 weeks, where they progress through aquatic level 1-7 supporting National Curriculum requirements. Swimming in both years 5 and 6 gives children an opportunity to recap knowledge and for coaches to track progression, ensuring children can confidently swim 25m by the end of Key Stage 2. The swimming program also offers alternative awards for children who are already at a high standard when they start school swimming or for pupils who have difficulty working towards the Aquatic Awards 1 – 7.

Ensuring High Quality Physical Education

The Complete PE platform partners with the Youth Sport Trust meaning we are getting the latest PE and School Sport information and research. To further enhance the professional development of our staff, we are committed to seeking continuous opportunities for their growth and learning. Conducting regular staff questionnaires help us identify areas for improvement, enabling us to address specific skill gaps through targeted CPD opportunities. AM Sports coaches work alongside side teachers to offer adapted activities that challenges and supports all children linked to the planned PE curriculum. The coaches provide physical interventions for all pupils that required fine and gross motor skill development. This provides pupils with the opportunity to embed basic skills required to make accelerated progress.

Enrichment Opportunities

Beyond the curriculum, we provide a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports clubs and inter-school competitions which build community links.  At Scargill we pride ourselves on providing children with a wide range of extracurricular opportunities and experiences that support our values of developing the whole child. Our dedicated staff offer their time to ensure that children have the chance to learn new skills, boost self-esteem and develop friendships. AM Sports also offer a selection of excellent sports club throughout the year covering invasion, net, wall, striking and fielding games, all run by qualified coaches.  We actively encourage participation from all pupils, regardless of their ability or background, and provide additional support and resources for those who require it.

We are affiliated with the Erewash School Sport Partnership (ESSP) who are part of the School Games delivering competitions and festivals throughout the year, catering to children from Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) to Year 6. In Early Years, children take part in a balance bike course, allowing our youngest learners to develop essential physical coordination. To take this learning further, Year 4 and 5 children enrol on the level 1 and 2 Bikeability program which helps them learn practical skills and understand how to cycle on today's roads.

We promote an active lifestyle among our students, we equip our midday staff with tools and resources designed to facilitate active lunchtimes. This initiative aligns seamlessly with our School Development Plan, which emphasizes the importance of positive behaviour and healthy lifestyles. We firmly believe that regular physical activity contributes to academic success and enhances overall wellbeing.

In our continued commitment to offering enriching experiences, we provide residential trips in Year 2, 4, and 6, which feature outdoor adventurous activities such as archery, climbing, orienteering, and den building. These experiences foster resilience, teamwork, and personal growth. We invite external visitors to share their experiences and inspire our students through talks about local and national sports events.

Pupil Voice in Physical Education
"I enjoy that we have swimming lessons in KS2 as it is an important life skill to have for when you're older."
"I really enjoy our Indoor PE lessons as it allows us to interact partners which helps our communication and teamwork skills."
"I enjoy having the opportunities to play sports I wouldn't usually have too and being able to develop skills in a range of sports."
"I really enjoyed our Bikeability sessions as it allowed me to learn how to ride a bike safely on the rode. In the space of 2 days I went from being scared to confident."

Impact of Physical Education

Our PE provision, and the wider school ethos around Physical Education, has a significant impact on pupils, promoting healthy habits and a positive attitude to physical activity. Our pupils develop physically, becoming more competent and confident in a range of areas, such as coordination, agility, and balance. In order for children to achieve their full potential, children must know more, experience more, remember more and be able to do more. At Scargill, we believe that it is important for children to practice what they have previously been taught on a regular basis. Therefore, all PE lessons will start with a Revisit, Remember and Respond (RRR) or “show me what you know” to allow children to revisit and recall previously taught content, with the aim of the information moving from children’s working memory to their long-term memory.

Our pupils are given opportunities to participate in a range of competitions and extracurricular clubs, where they are inspired to achieve their personal best, and develop team work, perseverance, and fair play values. In reception and KS1, children  have PE mascots that support their understanding of the 4 key domains of PE success and introduce them to key vocabulary. We track pupils’ progress across the curriculum through verbal feedback and marking sheets that celebrate physical, cognitive, social and well-being success in each lesson.  This information, alongside pupil voice questionnaires are used effectively to inform future planning, identify misconceptions and improve provision.

Physical Activity

We track physical activity through the analysis of pupil participation in competitions and extra-curricular clubs. A parent questionnaire  allows us to tailor our extra-curricular clubs to the interests of our children, address any current barriers to participation and understand external clubs that children attend after school. By monitoring their engagement in after-school sports clubs, we are able to identify and support children who may not be meeting the recommended guidelines set by the government and plan intervention with our coaches.

To further enhance our physical activity, we have engaged Sport Ambassadors for each class from Year 1-6  who work closely with AM Sports coaches and the PE lead. These ambassadors serve as role models and promote the enjoyment of physical activity by leading inclusive games during lunchtimes. These initiatives not only encourage movement but also instil in our students a sense of responsibility and harmony with their environment. These positive behaviours can be transferred to other areas of our school curriculum and support our Thrive approach.

Celebrating Achievements

We firmly believe in celebrating children's sporting achievements, both within and outside the school environment. We have instilled a spirit of recognition and appreciation by acknowledging these accomplishments during our worship sessions and by awarding Sprit of the Games certificates that embody determination, teamwork, self-belief, honesty, passion and respect. Please use your child's department email to share their sporting successes outside the school gates.

To foster a sense of community and to enhance the overall experience, we take part in various intra- and inter-school competitions. We strive to engage parents by explicitly sharing news of these events on our website, Twitter, and in our newsletters. It is heartening to witness the strong support we receive from parents, who actively participate in these competitions and our annual sports day events.

School Games Mark

To be accountable for our provision, we apply for the School Games Mark each year to show our commitment to the development of school sport. We want our children to have good self-esteem and talk enthusiastically about their learning. We want them to have positive experiences of PE at primary school that provide the building blocks to further their progress at secondary school.

Erewash School Sports Partnership
We are delighted to be affiliated with Erewash School Sports Partnership (ESSP) who provide competitions and festivals for our children. Keep an eye out on our twitter page and newsletter for information of inter-competition events and festivals with other local schools.

Local Sports Directory
If your child would like to continue their sports interests, please see a list of local clubs from the ESSP leaflet. Please note that Scargill are not responsible for any content on external sites or recommending the clubs listed in this guide, just signposting!