PLACES AVAILABLE - Please contact the school office to arrange a visit.

Summer Holiday Activities

Summer Holiday Activity Ideas
Changing Lives Competition

An exciting opportunity for Children and young people of Derbyshire to design our new Changing Lives Logo.

Date for submissions is the 23rd of August. For more details see the attachment below.

Summer Maths Challenge

To raise the profile of practical Maths in the summer holiday, we’d love it if you could take a photo to share of your child engaging in a practical Maths activity over the holidays.  This could be something like working out how much money they have to spend on holiday, how far they will be travelling or measuring ingredients to do some cooking.  Please send your photos to your child’s class teacher via the department emails. There will be Dojo points for any sent in and an amazing prize for the most imaginative or interesting use of Maths!

Summer Reading Challenges

Local libraries are running a Reading Challenge called Marvellous Makers. You can sign up at your local library or online. For more information visit