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"The study of geography is about more than just memorizing places on a map. It’s about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it’s about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together" Barack Obama, 2012

Curriculum Intent for Geography 

At Scargill C of E Primary School, we believe that Geography helps to provoke and answer questions about the natural and human aspects of our wonderful world. Children are encouraged to develop a greater understanding and knowledge of the world, as well as their place in it. Geography is, by nature, an investigative subject, which develops an understanding of concepts, knowledge and skills. The enquiry based Geography curriculum at Scargill helps children develop a range of investigation and problem-solving skills that are transferable to other curriculum areas and which can be used to promote children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

The curriculum is designed to promote children’s interest and understanding about diverse people, places, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes.

We aim and seek to inspire curiosity, ignite fascination and foster passion in children about the world and its people which will remain with them for the rest of their lives, equipping them with a strong foundational basis of knowledge and skills that can be built upon as they embark upon further education and beyond.

Ultimately, at Scargill, we want and intend our geographers to be EPIC:

Explorers and Enquirers

Passionate and Probing

Inspired and Inquisitive

Creative and Curious

Geography Fieldwork Fortnight
Fieldwork is an important part of the Geography curriculum as it provides 'real-world' opportunities for children to develop and extend their geographical thinking. Therefore, we participated in the Geographical Association's Fieldwork Fortnight where the focus was Environment.
Children in Reception explored the different landmarks and human features they could notice around West Hallam by playing a game of landmark Bingo. When they were back in the classroom, children used ariel photographs to locate where the landmarks were found.
Children in Year 1/2 conducted a traffic survey by tallying up the different types of vehicles that travelled through West Hallam at a specific time. When they were back in the classroom, children drew conclusions from their data as to whether the data would change if the survey was conducted on another day.
Children in Year 3/4 completed a noise pollution survey to determine which street in West Hallam produces the most noise. Before conducting the fieldwork, children predicted which street would produce the most amount of noise and gave reasons why. When they were back in the classroom, children used Digimaps for Schools to create a map showing the different levels of sound at different areas.
Children in Y5/6 investigated whether littering was a problem in West Hallam. Before completing the fieldwork, children predicted which type of litter they would see the most and where they think the worst areas are for littering. Children then tallied up the different amounts of litter they could find and the areas where this was a problem. Using this knowledge, children drew conclusions if litter was a problem before suggesting ways on how the amounts of  litter could be reduced in West Hallam.
Pupil Voice in Geography 
"I find Geography exciting as I love learning about different countries and places." 
"I love Geography as we get to learn about the world and what is happening to Earth." 
"Geography is important because it allows us to gain an understanding about where we are in the world and what different countries are like." 
"Geography gives us opportunities to practice skills for later in life, such as how to read a compass."
Pupil Voice in Geography 
Here are some knowledge organisers that are used in our Geography lessons.
Curriculum Implementation for Geography
In order to foster and motivate children’s curiosity about the world, interest and creativity, we are enthusiastic about Geography and encourage children to explore and ask questions. At Scargill, we recognise that our curriculum planning must allow for children to gain a progressively deeper level of knowledge, understanding and skill competency as they advance through school. Therefore, Geography units have been carefully planned using the whole school Geography Curriculum and Progression of Skills Map to ensure that children are building on prior learning and making links between units.

At Scargill, Geography is taught in blocks throughout the year, which alternate with History, so that children can achieve depth in their learning. This ensures that Geography has rigour and focus. However, teachers endeavour to make links in learning across the National Curriculum subjects as it enables children to make connections both in their geographical learning and the wider curriculum. 

Teaching and learning in Geography is well supported through a wealth of resources, including specific online platforms, such as Oddizzi and Digimaps for Schools which supports children develop and engage in their map work skills.

At Scargill, we believe that fieldwork is an integral part to our Geography curriculum as it enables children to experience first-hand experiences. Teachers are encouraged to consider opportunities available to use the school grounds and the local area, West Hallam and Ilkeston, to enhance the teaching and learning of Geography and help stimulate children’s learning of their locality. Therefore, Learning Outside the Classroom is a key feature of geography lessons and specific areas are mapped out and planned for. These are progressive through school and help develop children’s geographical and fieldwork skills.

Curriculum Impact for Geography

Through engaging with the Geography curriculum at Scargill, children will develop the geographical knowledge and skills to help them explore, navigate and understand the world around them and their place in it. As children advance through school, their knowledge and skills will develop progressively and systematically, to not only meet the requirements of the National Curriculum, but to prepare them to become competent geographers in secondary education.

The outcomes produced in children’s books will evidence the broad and balanced Geography curriculum on offer at Scargill, whilst demonstrating children’s acquisition of the identified key knowledge relating to each of the National Curriculum strands. This is in unison to the development and application of key skills which is supported through fieldwork.

However, in order for children to achieve their full potential, children must know more, experience more, remember more and be able to do more. At Scargill, we believe that it is important for children to practice what they have previously been taught on a regular basis. Therefore, all Geography lessons will start with a Revisit, Remember and Respond (RRR) to allow children to revisit and recall previously taught content with the aim of the information moving from children’s working memory to their long-term memory.

Geography Summer Challenge
During the summer holidays, a Geography summer challenge was created to promote an interest in human and physical features of places we as a school had visited during our time off school and help instill a love for Geography and the components that makes our world wonderful. Children had to visit and record the different human and physical features that they found during their six weeks holiday, such as a beach, a mountain, a famous landmark, a river, a new place explored and shops. To demonstrate the vast amount of places visited in the United Kingdom and around the world, children brought pictures in of their adventures so a whole school display could be created.