
Year 1 and 2 Information

Welcome to Year 1 & Year 2

'Let all that you do, be done in love

1 Corinthians 16:14

  Living Our Values Everyday

Year 1- Badger Class: Miss Clutterbuck
Year 2- Rabbit Class: Miss Lang
Year 2- Hedgehog Class: Miss Roper (Mon-Wed) & Mr Askew (Thu & Fri)
Teaching Assistants
There are a range of wonderful TAs supporting children with SEND across all three classes, including, Mrs Brown, Miss Smith, Mrs Bull, Miss Clarke, Mrs Rowles, Miss Dexter, Mrs Claypole, Mrs Perry, Miss Bletcher, Mrs Swift and Miss Speller. 
All teachers across school have Planning, Preparation and Assessment (PPA) time each week. Mrs Rowles will cover this in Hedgehogs, Mrs Swift will cover in Rabbits, whilst Mr Askew will cover in Badger class.
Please note each morning there will be a TA on the playground to welcome in all the children and pass on any messages. All children will enter through the gate up to the classrooms. 
Each term we add our latest newsletter. These are really important documents and are well worth printing out and putting somewhere safe so that you can refer back to them. 
Trips & Events
Year 1 and 2 will have one trip together this year- where they will visit Wollaton Hall.
All Year 1 and 2 trips and event letters will be found in this section, with a link usually being sent via text.
As Year 1 and Year 2 are taught separately, this year the children will also have separate curriculum maps, ensuring that over the two years in KS1 all curriculum requirements are fulfilled and follow the overviews created by all subject leads.
Below you will find the curriculum overviews for Year 1 and Year 2 for this year.
Homework and Home Activities
Homework will be sent home each week, alternating between online homework and paper based homework. All the links to the online platforms can be found below, along with Nessy and Numbot links. All login details will be sent separately, so please keep those details safe. 
The first Friday of each half term will start with paper based homework.
Year 2 photos
Year 1 Photos