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Year 3/4

Welcome to Year 3 and 4

'Let all that you do, be done in love

1 Corinthians 16:14

  Living Our Values Everyday

We have three mixed age classes in Year 3/4;
Tigers- Mrs Wilderspin (Mon & Tues-currently on maternity leave), Miss Joy (Mon & Tues), Mrs Guest (Wed- Fri)
Lions- Mrs Benn (Mon-Thur) and Mrs Higgins (Fri)
Leopards- Miss West
Year 3/4 are lower Key Stage 2. Teachers liaise closely with Year 2 staff in the Summer term to ensure a smooth transition into the KS2.
Below you can find the newsletters for year 3/4. It may be a good idea to print the latest newsletter and place it somewhere safe so you can check current information.
School Trips and Events
We value the importance of having visitors in school and the opportunity to go on school trips and residentials here at Scargill. In Year 4 children have the opportunity to go on a residential to Edale. Each year the children (and staff) love this time as it offers a chance to further develop their cultural capital whereby they put their team work skills to the test, build their resilience and develop their independence.
Curriculum Information
The curriculum runs on a 2 year cycle (cycle A and cycle B) meaning all of the year 3 and 4 objectives are covered over the two years that children are in the y3/4 department.
Both curriculum overviews can be found below, please note 2024-25 we are following cycle A. 
Year 3 & 4 in Action 
Homework and Home Activities
Homework is set weekly, one week online and the following week paper based. It is always best if homework is completed in a quiet environment, away from the television. 
Below you will also find some key links to the websites homework is set on. If your child has forgotten their login details please get in touch.
End of Year Expectations
Click below to view the end of year expectations for Maths. Maths is taught in in year groups using Power Maths. 
At Scargill we want to ensure all children have a love of reading. R' Time takes place daily, shared reading happens three times a week and children have plenty of opportunity to read for pleasure. 
All children have a reading record which parents are expected to complete each time their child reads at home. Below is a link to recommended reads for Y3 and Y4.
Happy reading!