PLACES AVAILABLE - Please contact the school office to arrange a visit.


School Uniform

The Governors and staff expect all children to wear our school uniform.  It looks smart, provides a sense of belonging, is very practical, and is not expensive.

School Uniform may be purchased from website.  This website stocks school logo items.

Alternatively, you can purchase uniform from any chain store or Hamiltons in Ilkeston.

Here is our daily uniform:

  • Grey trousers, formal shorts, skirt or pinafore dress with a white polo shirt and a navy blue jumper or cardigan.
  • A blue gingham summer dress or grey shorts are our summer options. 
  • Black shoes NOT black trainers and no open-toed sandals.  Boots are not to be worn in class.
  • No extreme haircuts including Mohawks, Mohicans, shaved lines or patterns.  Long hair should be tied back neatly.  Hair bands should be plain with no unnecessary embellishments.  
  • No nail varnish or make up. 


P.E. Clothing

For reasons of Health and Safety the children change for P.E. Please ensure your child is provided with a draw string bag and the following equipment:

  • Black plimsolls for indoor PE
  • Socks are needed for P.E. if tights are worn during the day
  • Navy shorts without a belt or buckle
  • Navy tracksuit (joggers and top) for colder months.
  • White T-shirt
  • Trainers for outdoor PE

 It is essential that all ALL clothes are named.

School Bag

Your child will need a book bag to carry their reading book. School logo book bags can bought from Hamiltons in Ilkeston. Rucksacks are not permitted in school.


Second Hand Uniform

This is available to all in the uniform swap shop under the bike shelter at the front of school.