PLACES AVAILABLE - Please contact the school office to arrange a visit.


At Scargill School we work hard to educate the children about bullying, the consequence of bullying and how to stamp it out should it ever arise.  With Friendship Ambassadors promoting respect, acceptance, friendship and kindness within school and at break times, children feel safe and reassured that bullying is unacceptable and that it will be dealt with immediately and with sensitivity.


Our PSHE lessons throughout the year include information about bullying, and pupil voice is carried out throughout the school to ensure that all children feel safe in school. In addition to the Worships and PSHE lessons we also take part in  Anti-Bullying week each year, which includes special Worships.


Scargill School will not tolerate bullying of any kind and any allegations are taken very seriously and investigated thoroughly in line with our policy and toolkit which can be seen below. If you are at all concerned that your child is being bullied please inform us at school via phone call, email or speaking to a member of staff on the playground. Below you can also find some Top Tips to help too.