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Wellbeing Committee

Meet our Wellbeing Committee! 
At Scargill we are lucky to have such a wonderful group of children to support others with their wellbeing across the school. Their role is to assist with wellbeing worships, lead the rest of the class in guided meditation and think of new ways we can look after our and our school community's mental health and wellbeing. This year, we have new group of children who have been democratically elected by their class to represent their peers in this role. Our Wellbeing Committee is supported by Mrs Bull and Miss West. 
Hello Yellow Day 2024
For Hello Yellow Day 2024, to celebrate World Mental Health Day, we:
• Donated and raised money for Young Minds, a mental health charity,
• Wore yellow, as it is a bright colour associated with happiness and positivity, to stand out and to show that nobody is ever alone,
• Made suns with positive affirmations and ‘I am’ statements to celebrate our qualities.
What are we working on? (Autumn term)
Our Wellbeing Ambassadors are currently working on a Calmer Me book. We have asked the children to come up with different ideas and strategies to help each other feel calm and regulated. We will then collate these together and produce a book. We are thinking how best this is going to work. If you have any ideas, please let your Wellbeing Ambassador know.