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What does it take to develop healthy, happy, confident children who are ready and open to learning? Recent advances in neuroscience, attachment theory and child development have provided some of the answers to this question.

The Thrive Approach draws on insights from these fields to provide a powerful way of working with children and young people that supports optimal social and emotional development. In addition, the Approach can equip practicioners to work in a targeted way with children and young people who may have struggled with difficult life events to help them re-engage with life and learning.

The Thrive Approach

Our vision for excellence at Scargill is a safe and healthy learning environment where everyone is happy, excited, challenged and inspired to be a lifelong learner. One of the ways in which we support and develop this is through the Thrive Approach. So what does it take?

What is the Thrive Approach?

Children cannot always put their needs ‘into words’, but can communicate their needs through their behaviour. The Thrive Approach draws from the latest advancements in neuroscience, attachment theory and child development. These insights provide powerful ways in which we can engage with and support children’s personal, social and emotional needs and development.

Why the Thrive Approach?

Like all of us at some point in our lives, unfortunately, children may face challenges that knock them out of their ‘window of tolerance’. Therefore, it is our job to guide these children back to where they need to be. Many children can respond to the support given by those around them, but some may need more care and understanding.

So how does the Thrive Approach look at Scargill?

The Thrive Approach begins with a whole class, computerised screening, where each class teacher will answer a series of questions about each child. Also, the programme will identify any children who would benefit from a more detailed assessment to support the individual child and their needs. This will in turn, suggest a range of strategies, ideas and activities to create a Thrive action plan. This supports our children’s needs on both a whole class and at an individual level.

What makes Scargill a Thrive school?

At Scargill, we consider the Thrive Approach to be part of our whole school vision and ethos and it underpins our values and aims: The Thrive Approach forms part of everything we do! We have a trained Thrive practitioner and all members of staff have received CPD to support the Thrive Approach at Scargill. 

As of 2020, we have also undertaken training to become an Attachment and Relationship Aware School (ARAS) which will further underpin our Thrive Approach and all that we do at Scargill.

Who can take part in Thrive at Scargill?

The answer is all of our children. Every one of our children have access to our Thrive provision at Scargill (although they might not realise it) as most of our curriculum is informed and underpinned by the Thrive Approach, as well as during our Class Thrive time. Depending on each child’s identified needs, they may also receive extra Thrive provision as part of a small group or on a one-to-one basis. 

Our Thrive provision is delivered by Miss West, Mrs Perry, Mrs Riley, Miss Bletcher and Mrs Swift-

If you would like to know more about Thrive, please visit the Thrive Approach website: or speak to our Thrive practitioner - Miss West.

Some examples of Thrive in our setting:

Here is what we've been up to as part of our Thrive learning...